Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent Calendar - December 17 - Francis Cox

An actor's dreams and doubts Advent Calendar proudly presents - December 17 - Francis Cox from England (the United Kingdom). Francis is very sweet and makes the best cheesecake ever.


Tis the season....for myself

I love Christmas. It feels a bit redundant to say that. After all, who doesn’t love Christmas? I have to admit though, that I don’t get as worked up about it as I used to and that always makes me a bit sad. I miss the excitement I felt as a child in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Looking forward to decorations, carols, festive food, ‘fizzy’ drinks (these were a special Yuletide treat in our house), the Christmas Morecambe and Wise Show on TV and above all, the presents stuffed into a pillowcase at the end of my bed on Christmas morning.

It’s an inevitable part of growing older that you take a more subdued approach to the festive season. That’s one of the things I like about living in Amsterdam. The Dutch are much more relaxed about Christmas. It doesn’t reach the same fever pitch here that it does in my native England where housewives battle to the death for the last Christmas pudding in Marks & Spencer.

This easy-going attitude is why for me, the best part of Christmas is not the day itself or New Year’s Eve but the five days in between. They’re my favourite time of the year. I fulfill any social or family obligations on Christmas Day and after that I’m free to spoil myself. I never work between Christmas and New Year and spend the time relaxing, reading, watching any DVDs I’ve received as gifts, hanging out in cafés, going to movies and of course eating and drinking a bit too much. It’s heaven. Thus refreshed, I’m ready for the New Year’s Eve celebrations with my friends. It sounds self-indulgent I know, but shouldn’t we all be allowed to do our own thing at Christmas?

So however you celebrate the festive season, I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous 2013.


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